joi, 27 iulie 2023

Chronicle of a stray cat

"A cat told her baby cat:

- Baby From Now On You'll Face A Lot Of Situations Alone.

- The baby said: But I have you to take care of me!


- She exclaimed: I have no home, my home is the street and I ran many dangers to hide you. But now you're bigger and you'll have to learn to survive in that jungle of humans.

- The crying baby said: Mommy don't leave me alone!!

- His mother with great distress told him: I will teach you to find food, to hide from the sun, to watch out for the rain and to hunt when you find nothing.

- The bewildered and sad baby said: Mommy what else do I have to hide from then?

- And mama cat said: You can survive everything else, but you will not survive the evil of humans if you meet the bad ones. They crush you with cars, poison you, beat you, hate you and others will use you for other people's food.

The baby cat started crying and asked his mom to never leave him, as a tear from his mom bursted down his eyes and the baby understood what his future would be...

Chronicle of a stray cat that never knew love.

Adopt a kitten and change her life! "

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